Tuesday, February 05, 2013

School Album

Today, I wanted to share the boys' school albums. They're in 3rd grade this year, and I'm proud to say that last month, I was able to finish up their 2nd grade pages - bringing their school albums up-to-date.

I love these albums. Each boy has a set of Becky Higgin's school album kits. I bought these several years ago (2009?) and then set up all the albums from preschool through 12th grade. Each grade has a set of papers and elements plus an envelope page.

To get organized each year, I keep a file box with a folder for each boy where I drop school papers as they come home. I try to just keep the best stuff - because it does take a ton of time to purge and sort all those school papers at the end of the year if you keep everything.

Once the end of the school year is here, I just print my photos and then start on the pages. Each grade has the same format.

School album pages for 2nd grade - www.MightyCrafty.me

The 8x10 school photo opens each set of pages...

School album pages for 2nd grade - www.MightyCrafty.me

...with the class photo and "about me" pages in between...

School album pages for 2nd grade - www.MightyCrafty.me
...then a photo collage and the envelope page.

Each grade has a different color but the same set of unifying elements.

School album - www.MightyCrafty.me

School album - www.MightyCrafty.me

School album - www.MightyCrafty.me

I so love these albums - seeing the boys change through each year of school is very special. I'm happy to be creating these now as they go through school. Once graduation rolls around, I'll have their albums all ready to go.


  1. We are using the same kit for our school albums. I have the big ETC. envelopes too! This is my last year for my oldest son. I decided to just do elementary school and I'm going to give him a smash album when he starts middle school next year.

  2. How great that you have these albums too! :) Glad to know I'm not the only one. I love them.

  3. where can I get these pages? I don't see them on the Becky Higgins site anymore.
