Saturday, June 30, 2012

Layout From Paper Scraps

Sometimes, while I'm cleaning up my craft table after creating a layout, I realize I have way too many scraps.

I keep all my paper scraps in a little basket on my table. It's handy to have them there so I can grab a small piece of something when I need it. But when the basket gets too full, I know I need to do something to clear out some of the scraps. Sometimes I'll make a card. Sometimes I'll punch a bunch of shapes to put in my color drawers.

This time, I made a layout just from scraps.

Layout from paper scraps -

I sorted through my scraps to find dark, grungy patterns...

Paper scrap sorting -

I pulled out several that were in the same color family, then trimmed them into 3-inch strips. I layered the strips along the side of the photograph in a single column. Color mist over top helped to unify everything together. Love it...

Embellishment collage -

I did a bit more stash-busting too by using rub-on words and shapes to create the embellishment collage. I have stacks of those Making Memories rub-ons from years ago but I still love them too much to part with them. So I used a bunch on this layout too.

Title collage -

Do you have a bunch of scraps laying around? Try this easy way to use them up. I'd love to see what you create...


  1. I always love using scraps as much as I can. Great idea to sort them by style and not color.

  2. Thanks Monica - I actually keep them all in a single basket, but then I sorted through them by pattern when I was pulling out pieces for this layout. I think it helps to have them all together when you store them because you can see the possibilities a little easier. :)
